Work with us

Delivery models to fit your needs


• Workshops insights, templates, participation
• Sparring: leadership/business topics, 1:1 or 1:few
• Coaching: leadership/business topics, 1:1 or 1:few
Our business advisor services takes an active role in helping your team in shaping new business strategy, creating a growth acceleration program, defining an execution plan for improving efficiency, and profitability of a business unit.


• Role / responsibility driven
• Timebox 1-3 days / week
• Outcome / Deliverable(s) driven
• On-site / Remote as per agreement
Our Co-Execution model is based on providing the dedicated assistance from one or more of our experienced consultants, who will work as contractor and be part of your team for a shorter or longer period to resolve the challenges or opportunities which your business is facing.


• Fixed Scope / Fixed Price
• Agile with 1 - 4 sprints
• Tangible Deliverable(s) driven
• On-site/Remote as per agreement
• Interim Management
Our Outsourced model is based on defining and agreeing a project delivery with clear definition of the activities, estimates, staffing, deliverables, project plan – defining the effort and the outcomes of the project